Emanuela Bianchi
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Curriculum vitae
1. "Molecular dynamics simulations of inverse patchy colloids"
S. Ferrari, G. Kahl, E. Bianchi Eur. Phys. J. E 41, 43 (2018)
2. "Limiting the valence: advancements and new perspectives on patchy colloids, soft functionalized nanoparticles and biomolecules"
E. Bianchi, B. Capone, I. Coluzza, L. Rovigatti, P. D. J. van Oostrum JPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 19847--19868 (2017)
3. "Inverse patchy colloids: Synthesis, modeling and self-organization"
E. Bianchi, P. D. J. van Oostrum, C. N. Likos, G. Kahl Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 30, 8--15 (2017)
4. "Hierarchical self-organization of soft patchy nanoparticles into morphologically diverse aggregates"
I. C. Gârlea, E. Bianchi, B. Capone, L. Rovigatti, C. N. Likos Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 30, 1--7 (2017)
5. "Spontaneous assembly of a hybrid crystal-liquid phase in inverse patchy colloid systems"
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Kahl Nanoscale 9, 1956--1963 (2017)
6. "Static and dynamic properties of inverse patchy colloids"
G. Kahl, E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari Proceedings of the International School of Physics 'Enrico Fermi' 193, 291 (2016)
7. "Generalized inverse patchy colloid model"
M. Stipsitz, G. Kahl, and E. Bianchi The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 114905 (2015)
8. "Patchy Particles"
E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, C. N. Likos, and F. Sciortino (editorial) Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 230301 (2015)
9. "Phase behaviour of inverse patchy colloids: effect of the model parameters"
E. Noya and E. Bianchi Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 234103 (2015)
10. "Inverse patchy colloids with small patches: fluid structure and dynamical slowing down"
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, Y. Kalyuzhnyi, and G. Kahl Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 234104 (2015)
11. "Soft-patchy nanoparticles: modeling and self-organization"
E. Bianchi, B. Capone, G. Kahl, and C. N. Likos Faraday Discussions 181, 123 (2015)
12. "Self-assembly of Janus particles under shear"
A. Nikoubashman, E. Bianchi, and A. Z. Panagiotopoulos (see erratum Soft Matter 11, 3946 (2015)) Soft Matter 11, 3767--3771 (2015)
13. "Theoretical and numerical investigations of inverse patchy colloids in the fluid phase"
Y. Kalyuzhnyi, E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari, and G. Kahl Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 114108 (2015)
14. "Phase diagram of inverse patchy colloids assembling into an equilibrium laminar phase"
E. Noya, G. Doppelbauer, I. Kolovos, G. Kahl, and E. Bianchi Soft Matter 10, 8464--8474 (2014)
15. "Tunable Assembly of heterogeneously Charged Colloids"
E. Bianchi, C. N. Likos, and G. Kahl NANO Letters 14, 3412--3418 (2014)
16. "Self-Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Particles under Confinement"
E. Bianchi, C. N. Likos, and G. Kahl ACS Nano 7, 4657-4667 (2013)
17. "Self assembly scenarios of patchy particles"
G. Doppelbauer, E. G. Noya, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl Soft Matter 8, 7768 (2012)
18. "Competing ordered structures formed by particles with a regular tetrahedral patch decoration"
G. Doppelbauer, E. G. Noya, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 284124 (2012)
19. "Predicting patchy particle crystals: variable box shape simulations and evolutionary algorithms"
E. Bianchi, G. Doppelbauer, L. Filion, M. Dijkstra, and G. Kahl J. Chem. Phys 136, 214102 (2012)
20. "Inverse patchy colloids: from microscopic description to mesoscopic coarse-graining"
E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, and C. N. Likos Soft Matter 7, 8313 (2011)
21. "Patchy colloids: state of the art and perspectives"
E. Bianchi, R. Blaak, and C. N. Likos Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 6397 (2011)
22. "Self-assembly scenarios of patchy particles in two dimensions"
G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 104105 (2010)
23. "Theoretical and numerical estimates of the gas-liquid critical point of a primitive model for silica"
Emanuela Bianchi, Piero Tartaglia, and Francesco Sciortino J. Chem. Phys. 129, 224904 (2008)
24. "Theoretical and numerical study of the phase diagram of patchy colloids: Ordered and disordered patch arrangements"
Emanuela Bianchi, Piero Tartaglia, Emanuela Zaccarelli, and Francesco Sciortino J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144504 (2008)
25. "Fully Solvable Equilibrium Self-Assembly Process: Fine-Tuning the Clusters Size and the Connectivity in Patchy Particle Systems"
Emanuela Bianchi, Piero Tartaglia, Emilia La Nave, and Francesco Sciortino J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 11765 (2007)
26. "Self-assembly of patchy particles into polymer chains: A parameter-free comparison between Wertheim theory and Monte Carlo simulation"
Francesco Sciortino, Emanuela Bianchi, Jack Douglas, and Piero Tartaglia J. Chem. Phys. 126, 194903 (2007)
27. "Phase diagram of patchy colloids: towards empty liquids"
Emanuela Bianchi, Julio Largo, Piero Tartaglia, Emanuela Zaccarelli, and Francesco Sciortino Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 168301 (2006)
1. "Novel hybrid crystal-liquid phase formed by heterogeneously decorated colloidal particles"
G. Kahl, S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, September 20-22 2018, Self-Assemlby of Colloidal Systems 2018, Bordeaux (France)
2. "Model systems with directional interactions for anisotropy-driven self-assembly"
E. Bianchi, September 15 2017, Invited seminar at Roma Tre University, Rome (Italy)
3. "Spontaneous assembly of a hybrid crystal-liquid phase in inverse patchy colloid systems"
E. Bianchi, August 14-19 2017, BioNano Summerschool 2017, Hirschegg (Austria)
4. "Heterogeneously charged colloids: from modeling to self-organization"
E. Bianchi, February 27-28 2017, NanoTrans Annual Meeting 2017, Berlin (Germany)
5. "Anisotropy-driven assembly of nanoparticle model systems with directional interactions"
E. Bianchi, July 2 2015, Invited seminar, Chemistry Department of the University of Rome Tor Vergata
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E. Bianchi, June 25-27 2015, Invited contribution at the XII International Symposium of University Professors, Rome
7. "Heterogeneously charged colloids under confinement and in bulk"
E. Bianchi, June 15-17 2015, Keynote talk for the Self- and Directed-Assembly Session at the 89th ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
8. "Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement and in the bulk"
E. Bianchi, May 20 2015, Invited seminar, Chemistry Department of the Technical University of Vienna
9. "Adding charges to conventional patchy colloids: layers formation in inverse patchy systems"
E. Bianchi, May 11-12 2015, Invited talk for the Design, fabrication and self-assembly of anisotropic and patchy particles symposium at the E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting
10. "Soft-patchy nanoparticles: modeling and self-organization"
E. Bianchi, April 20-22 2015, Invited talk at the Nanoparticle Assembly and Synthesis Faraday Discussion
11. "Self-assembly of inverse patchy particles: adding charges to conventional patchy colloids"
E. Bianchi, December 4 2014, Invited seminar at the Unversity of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)
12. "Self-assembly of inverse patchy particles: adding charges to conventional patchy colloids"
E. Bianchi, November 26 2014, Invited seminar at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Unversity of Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France)
13. "Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces"
E. Bianchi, September 24-27 2014, DaCAM workshop on Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces, Vienna (Austria)
14. "Tunable assembly of inverse patchy colloids in the vicinity of a charged substrate"
E. Bianchi, September 17-18 2014, Italian Soft Matter Days, Rome (Italy)
15. "Tunable assembly of inverse patchy colloids in the vicinity of a charged substrate"
E. Bianchi, June 12-13 2014, Central European Statistical Physics Mini-Meeting, Budapest (Hungary)
16. "Inverse and Soft Patchy Colloids"
E. Bianchi, December 9 2013, seminar at the Chemical Engineering Department of Princeton university, Princeton (USA)
17. "Effect of the Interplay between Attractive and Repulsive Anisotropic Interactions on the Self-Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Units"
E. Bianchi, December 1-6 2013, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Symposium E: Fundamentals of Gels and Self-Assembled Polymer Systems, Boston (USA)
18. "Spot-like Patchy Particles: Thermo-reversible Gelation, Phase Separation and Self-Assembly"
E. Bianchi, October 24 2013, Institut for Condensed Matter Physics NASU, Lviv (Ukraine)
19. "Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly"
E. Bianchi, September 8-12 2013, 246th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Indianapolis (USA)
20. "Self-Assembly of Heterogeneously Charged Particles under Confinement"
E. Bianchi, September 15-19 2013, International Soft Matter Conference, Rome (Italy)
21. "Inverse patchy colloids: effect of the interplay between attractive and repulsive anisotropic interactions on the collective behaviors"
E. Bianchi, May 14-18 2013, Physics of Complex Colloids Conference (Slovenia)
22. "Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement"
E. Bianchi, April 4-5 2013, ViCoM Workshop (Austria)
23. "Inverse patchy colloids: effect of the interplay between attractive and repulsive anisotropic interactions on the collective behaviour"
E. Bianchi, November 09 2012, University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)
24. "A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
E. Bianchi, September 04-07 2012, CECAM workshop on Design of self-assembling materials, Vienna (Austria)
25. "A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
E. Bianchi, May 07-10 2012, CECAM workshop on New Challenges in Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter, Toulouse (France)
26. "A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
E. Bianchi, July 05-08 2011, CFCAM-RA workshop on Coarse-Graining Strategies and Methodologies for Polymeric and Biomolecular Assemblies, Lyon (France)
27. "A mesoscopic, coarse-grained model for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
E. Bianchi, March 11 2011, 'La Sapienza', University of Rome (Italy)
28. "Equilibrium Behavior of Patchy Particles: Thermo-reversible Gelation, Phase Separation and Self-Assembly"
E. Bianchi, April 2009, CMS seminar, Vienna (Austria)
29. "Bridging the length scales for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
Emanuela Bianchi, July 2010, International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada (Spain)
30. "Bridging the length scales for Inverse Patchy Colloids"
Emanuela Bianchi, April 2010, Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Essen (Germany)
31. "Equilibrium behavior of patchy particles: thermo-reversible gelation, phase separation and self-assembly"
Emanuela Bianchi, November 2008, Dynamical Arrest of Soft Matter and Colloids, Taormina (Italy)
32. "Phase diagram of patchy particles: towards empty liquids"
Emanuela Bianchi, January 2007, Winter Discussion Workshop 2007 on Dynamical Arrest of Soft Matter and Colloids, Bad Gastein (Austria)
33. "Phase diagram of patchy particles: towards empty liquids"
Emanuela Bianchi, November 2006, Annual workshop CRS-SOFT, Camerino (Italy)
34. "Phase diagram of patchy particles: empty liquids and ideal gels"
Emanuela Bianchi, June 2006, Patchy colloids, proteins and network forming liquids: analogies and new insights from computer simulations, Lyon (France)
1. "Novel hybrid crystal-liquid phase formed by heterogeneously decorated colloidal particles"
G. Kahl, S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, 10th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, June 17-22 2018, Srni (Czech Republic)
2. "On the propensity of inverse patchy colloids to self-organize in stable, lamellar structures"
E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari, E.G. Noya, G. Kahl, 10th Liquid Matter Conference, July 17-21 2017, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
3. "Functionalized nanoparticles: building blocks for novel materials"
E. Bianchi and B. Capone, XII International Symposium of University Professors, June 25-27 2015, Rome (Italy)
4. "Planar liquid/solid structures formation with Inverse Patchy Colloids "
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Doppelbauer, and G. Kahl, DaCAM workshop on Physics of colloidal particles with heterogeneously patterned surfaces, September 24-27 2014, Vienna (Austria)
5. "Static properties of Inverse Patchy Colloids: theory vs simulation"
Y. Kalyuzhnyi, E. Bianchi, S. Ferrari, and G. Kahl, 9th Liquid Matter Conference, July 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
6. "Spatial and rotational slowing down of colloidal particles with heterogeneously charged surfaces"
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, 9th Liquid Matter Conference, July 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
7. "Tunable aggregation of heterogeneously charged colloids"
E. Bianchi, C. Likos, and G. Kahl, 9th Liquid Matter Conference, July 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
8. "Soft and flexible patchy colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly"
E. Bianchi and B. Capone, 9th Liquid Matter Conference, July 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
9. "Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly"
E. Bianchi, U. Pedersen, and B. Capone, From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, February 2014, Vienna (Austria)
10. "Static and dynamic correlations in Inverse Patchy Colloids"
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Pastore, and G. Kahl, From Electrons to Phase Transitions ViCoM Conference, February 2014, Vienna (Austria)
11. "Soft Patchy Colloids: the role of directional bonding, soft interactions and deformability on the self-assembly"
E. Bianchi, U. Pedersen, and B. Capone, International Soft Matter Conference, September 2013, Rome (Italy)
12. "Static and dynamic correlations in Inverse Patchy Particle systems "
S. Ferrari, E. Bianchi, G. Pastore, and G. Kahl, International Soft Matter Conference, September 2013, Rome (Italy)
13. "Self-assembly of heterogeneously charged particles under confinement"
E. Bianchi, C.Likos, and G. Kahl, The Role of Interfaces in Crystallization Conference, May 2013, Lausanne (Switzerland)
14. "Phase behaviour of a system of inverse patchy colloids: A simulation study"
I. Kolovos, E. G. Noya, G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, Physics of Complex Colloids Conference, May 2013, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
15. "Ordered Equilibrium Structures of Patchy Particles"
G. Doppelbauer, E. G. Noya, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, ESF Conference Energy Landscapes, July 2012, Obergurgl (Austria)
16. "Inverse Patchy Colloids: From Microscopic Description to Mesoscopic Coarse-Graining"
E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, and C. N. Likos, Gordon Research Conference, February 2012, Ventura, CA (USA)
17. "Inverse patchy colloids: from microscopic description to mesoscopic coarse-graining"
E. Bianchi, G. Kahl, and C. N. Likos, 8th Liquid Matter Conference, September 2011, Vienna (Austria)
18. "Self-assembly scenarios of patchy colloidal particles"
G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, September 2010, Prague (Czech Republic)
19. "Structural optimization of patchy colloidal particles"
G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, International Soft Matter Conference, July 2010, Granada (Spain)
20. "Self-assembly scenarios of patchy colloidal particles"
G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, 8th Liblice conference, June 2010, Brno (Czech Republic)
21. "Self-assembly scenarios of patchy particles in two dimensions"
G. Doppelbauer, E. Bianchi, and G. Kahl, CECAM Workshop on 'New Trends in Simulating Colloids: from Models to Algorithms', July 2009, Lausanne (Switzerland)